Tuesday, December 28, 2010

And Then There Were Three: A Father’s Journey Into Pregnancy

Now that you’re out and about (6 weeks old at the time of writing), perhaps it’s time to reflect on the last ten months…

When Mummy and Daddy realized you were on the way, we couldn’t wait to tell the whole wide world. Eventually caution prevailed and we told ourselves to wait till after the first trimester before telling anyone. But this kind of good news is really hard to hold back. One fine Sunday we broke the news to your grandpas and grandmas. Soon after, friends and colleagues also partook in the happy news.

The first few months was a bit of a roller coaster. First was the less-than-stellar results of the Oscar test. Then came the agonizing wait till you were old enough for the Amnio test. And after that, another two weeks before the results set our minds at ease.

However, in between all this there were also the magical moments…hearing your heartbeat for the first time, being there for the first scan, feeling your little kicks on Mummy’s tummy.

But the thing that was topmost on Daddy’s mind all throughout the nine months was to be there for Mummy. Ever since I missed one of the appointments with Dr Chua, I told myself to be there for all the subsequent visits, so I could share all the news…good or bad…with Mummy. I made sure to join Mummy for prayers, to be there when she needed a massage, to accompany her for pre-natal classes, to help pick out your pram and cot.

Finally we settled into a routine and patiently waited for the day to come. Strangely 40 weeks came and went, and you were still comfortably nestled in Mummy’s womb. After 43 hours in the labour ward, and seeing countless other mums-to-be give birth, we decided it was your turn, nevermind the fact that you had to take the side door (caesarean section).

The time was 1740hrs. Mummy and you were wheeled into the delivery ward, and I was left to put on a set of overalls while fumbling with the video camera. 1755hrs and all I could hear was “C’mon, the baby’s waiting!!” In no time at all, I was seated next to Mummy (who was quite awake) and filming the entire sequence…all 5 minutes of it.

Thereafter when the Docs were busy taking care of Mummy, I was given some quiet time with you. More pictures and video taking, and wondering if you could even see me??? No matter…what was important was that you were now safely with us.

So welcome again BB Joie :) The Tan family is now officially a threesome. Life will never be the same again…just better!

1 comment:

  1. lovely note to joie. funny i was so touched reading itr. hee hee. joie is so adorable.
